Recipe site for a residential complex
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Site recipe for a residential complex: important ingredients and a pleasant aftertaste

Let's understand why today the site for LCD has become one of the most important resources for lidogeneratsii. And, of course, let's talk about convenience, common mistakes and site development after implementation.

Content and information content of the site

In our understanding, the content of the site must meet the criteria of RDB - Resonance, Differentiation, Belief.

1. Resonance - understanding the product, its properties and characteristics. This point answers a very important question: “What exactly do we offer? Why is this necessary? How will this help the client? »

2. Differentiation - a unique trade offer. This item reflects the main differences between your LCD and competitors and answers the question: "Why should a customer choose our living complex?"

3. Belief - confirmation of our words. At this point, we prove the statement of facts and characteristics of the residential complex. We answer the question: "Why did we achieve such a result? What facts support our allegations? »

Content is not only huge canvases of text, but also visualizations of its meanings: illustrations, infographics, photos, videos and 3D visualizations. Simplify the information to make it easier to understand - it makes no sense to pour on the user complex technical terms that prove your effectiveness. Speak in meaning - clearly and without water.

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